Oh someone Liebsters me!

The lovely Leila from Emerald City Girl is an Aussie expat living in the US and she has just given me Liebster Award! Leila herself has an amazing blog and I only dream that mine could look as good as hers so I am so grateful that she has deemed my blog worthy!
So what is the Liebster Award? I had no idea but the person that awarded Leila with hers had a great explanation…

Liebsters are awarded to bloggers who have fewer than 300 followers. In a pay it forward kind of style, it’s suggested that once you receive it you pass it on to three blogs that qualify that you enjoy reading. The point of the Liebster is not to grow your readership, but to build community and introduce your readers to other blogs that they might also enjoy.

Dutch Girl Diary – Erin’s blog is full of creative goodness that always inspires me to pick up my crochet hook. Her blog is full of wonderful colours and always brings a smile to my face.

Birds Eye View – April has not long ago given birth to her adorable little girl but her blog isn’t all baby… she shares beautiful homes, her own home reno’s and also lots of other beautiful finds.

Everyday Miracles – I have only been reading Allys blog for a month or so but I am forever drawn to her photos and easy writing style.

WOW that was harder than I thought it would be, picking 3 blogs to award. I have so many in my list of favourites but many have more than 300 followers.

Happy Sunday everyone.